What is Liposuction (Lipo) ?

Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery based on the removal of stubborn excess fat that cannot be given with diet and exercise in the body with the help of cannulas and aspirator. In the process, it is an operation that can provide regional thinning by giving the desired shape to the body and at the same time make the body lines clear.


Most liposuction; It is performed together with other operations such as tummy tuck and breast augmentation.


Liposuction is not a weight loss method (it does not treat obesity), on the contrary, it is applied to fatty tissue that cannot be removed with weight loss and exercise. It is not a treatment for skin surface problems such as cellulite or stretch marks.

Which Body Areas can be treated by Liposuction?

The amount of oil that can vary from person to person may show usability in relation to people. (The results after liposuction are most beautiful and obvious in those with normal weight, thin skin type, and excess fat in the text.)


Applicable areas are;

Abdomen and waist area

arms and upper arm


legs, inner leg

Chin – cheeks



Pre-Operation Processes

Your general health should be good for the operation (heart disease, diabetes, immune system weaknesses can complicate the operation). If you meet the conditions;

  • You should stop the medications you use regularly, in consultation with your doctor, 3 weeks before the operation.
  • Eat healthy, take a break from alcohol and smoking before the surgery.
  • One day before the operation, your doctor will draw on the areas to be treated, and your pre-procedure will be photographed for “Before & After” photos (your face or identity will not be disclosed)
  • Before the surgery, blood tests and imaging will be requested by your doctor.

The Process At The Moment of Operation

  • The liposuction area changes in shape according to its excess. As local or general anesthesia instead of lipo, it can be adjusted according to the area for slow progression after darkening.
  • Before the fat is removed, the drug is injected with a liquid without liposuction. This fluid contains intravenous salt + lidocaine (local anesthesia) + epinephrine (vasoconstrictor) and is easier to direct, provides ease at the same time, blood division and surgery and ultimately pain relief.
  • The targeted ones will be taken by cannula loading through small incisions.
  • The duration of the procedure may vary according to the excess area to be lipo, the amount of fat removed, the liposuction technique and the type of anesthesia used.
  • In the process, general health will be carried out by keeping it under constant control.
  • From the general anesthesia target, the targeted hospital is targeted and a day-end is recommended for water-warm.


Process After Operation


The appropriate corset will be attached to you by the nurses after the operation, depending on the place where the procedure takes place. The corset is worn to reduce bruises, to adapt to the new shape of the body and to make the patient more comfortable.


After the operation, your doctor will visit you on the same day. It checks your health and tells you what to watch out for. He will answer your questions by explaining the medications you will use and the complications that may occur.


When Can I Return To Daily Activities?


You can return to your daily activities in a few days. It is normal for you to feel swelling, bruising and pain a few weeks after the surgery and will pass over time.


Complete recovery may vary depending on the area and density of liposuction. Your doctor will give you a detailed explanation.


Skin care is like dieting. You have to invest time and effort. There is no instant miracle cure.

— Karen Grant

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